We are delighted to have taken on five new artists:- Keith Purser, Pamela Burns, Mari French, Paul Armitage and Jenny Lock.
KEITH PURSER balances two very different styles in his landscape paintings, one figurative and the other abstract. As an abstract painter, Purser breaks down the sea and shore into amities of colour, form and texture. This artwork is about shitfting weather and changing moods of the coast.
Keith Purser
A New Day 2010 (framed)
Mixed media on board
12 1/4 x 39 3/8 in
31 x 100 cms
31 x 100 cms
PAMELA BURNS paints both landscapes and seascapes which are both rendered down into distinct abstract elements: colour, form and surface pattern with pale thin lines. With her seascapes her eye is always drawn back to the shore, to the point where the land melts into the sea.

Pamela Burns
Redstone Shore I (Unframed), 2015
Oil and marble dust on canvas
9 1/2 x 16 3/4 in
24 x 42.5 cms
24 x 42.5 cms
MARI FRENCH'S inspiration for her energetic, yet intimate artworks, range from the wild expanse of the Norfolk saltmarsh coast to the light-filled stretches of the Venetian lagoon. Her artworks are a culmination of experimentation with a variety of media: acrylics, oil pastel, ink, etc – an unpredictable and exciting process resulting in a distillation of her experience and an expressive, atmospheric evocation of place.

Mari French
Charged with Light
17 3/8 x 21 5/8 in
44 x 55 cms
44 x 55 cms
PAUL ARMITAGE paints in oil on prepared board. His images are created through the interplay of collage and loosely handled oil paint, between structure and impulse. Images will eventually suggest a particular place or a feeling associated with it. It is then that they can be named.

Paul Armitage
Mixed media on board
16 1/8 x 21 1/4 in
41 x 54 cms
41 x 54 cms
JENNY LOCK lives a stone's throw from the sea. The ever-changing light and the rich and varied textures of the coastline are an important influence on her work. Although she draws constantly she prefers to paint intuitively, working directly onto the canvas, allowing the paintings to emerge from a frenzied and chaotic fusion of line, colour and shapes. The process continues with erasing, scratching and gestural mark making until the desired composition and balance is achieved.

Jenny Lock
In the Pink
Oil on Canvas
7 7/8 x 7 7/8 in
20 x 20 cms
20 x 20 cms